Python's inbuilt simple http server is extremely useful for front end developers

Front-end development frequently involves working with static files, such as HTML structures, CSS stylesheets, and JavaScript code. To observe how these components interact and accurately visualize your work, you need a method to serve them as a typical web server would. Fortunately, Python offers a solution with its built-in HTTP server module.

Lightning-Fast Setup: Python makes spinning up a local web server incredibly simple. Here's the magic one-liner, executed from within your project directory in your terminal:

python -m http.server
  1. No Extra Installations: If you have Python installed, you have everything you need. There are no additional packages or libraries to manage.

  2. Perfect for Quick Testing: The simple HTTP server is ideal when you need to quickly preview website changes, test JavaScript functionality, or do some basic cross-browser compatibility checks.

  3. Cross-Platform: Whether you're on Windows, macOS, or a Linux machine, Python's got you covered.

How to use it

  1. Let's say you have a project folder called 'my-website' with the usual 'index.html', CSS, and JavaScript files inside it.

  2. Navigate to this folder in your terminal or command prompt.

  3. Run: python -m http.server

  4. Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8000/ (or the port you specified), and you'll see your website rendered!


Python's simple HTTP server is a fantastic tool in any front-end developer's toolkit. It simplifies local development and testing workflows, letting you focus on building great user interfaces.

Note: Sometime you might want to disable cache when using this python server.